Wednesday, December 26, 2007


This was two days before Christmas Day. This is on the Sunday Before.This is me and Dillon! he is my best guy friend. A few years ago he had a brain tumer and he is my age and is sopposed to be in 7th grade with me but he isnt..he had to redo 5th grade....He is 4 months younger than me. sadly he goes to challenger middle school and i have been trying to get him to transfor for like ever!lol and he wont!!! but i go to a different middle school. Both of us are mormon. i love going to church so i can see him! I only get to see him twice a week, on sundeay at church and at young womens when its combined activity! but im gonna go love you all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

chocolote chip pancakes...

SICKENING isnt it?? on december 17, 2007 i had a sleeppover with mckenzie d and clara swift. the next morning clara left early and so me and mckenzie decided to make chocolote chip pancakes and they didnt turn out to great...if you catch my drift! lol on the top right one we tried to put the chocolote chips in the shape of a smily face! see if you can see it! love you! peace out!


Constant fun! On december 17, 2007 i had a sleepover at my house with Clara and mckenzie D! we had a blast! we watched hairspray and step up if you have not seen step up you are crazy! because that is one of my favorite movies!lol we also called in to magic FM (98.9) and soposivly mckenzie lost her dog! and the dj hung up on us! how rude!lol (but dont worry she didnt really lose her dog!lol) we also did makeovers as you can see in this picture above!lol...we also stayed up until four. clara crashed on my office floor around 2:00 AM...we decided to be nice and not prank her!!!
well love you all!
oh my gosh! my friend koryn had her 13 birthday party and me had loads of funn! her cake was like four of my faces put together lol! it was huge just take my word for it. we took soooo many pictures that night! this is one of my favorites! its of me and my friend mckenzie p! (im the one on the left!)