Monday, June 30, 2008


well i just recently got back from a vacation in Utah. we went for my cousins wedding and then and let me tell you! it was sososososoooooo much fun!!haha! my best friend McKenzie came with me and it was soooo carzy! supprisingly we managed to come back from the trip with only one burise and it was on McKenzie's leg because when we were filling up for gas(while we were driving there) and she and I went to the bathroom and we were racing back to the car and i won but ripped open the door and it hit McKenzie's leg. so it wasn't even really on purpose it was an accident but anyways as you can see in my first picture we got a little board on the was there in the car ride. haha! its soo funny how car rides can be soo fun but then again they can be soo boring too!! and sometimes you'll get them at the same time!! lol:)in my second picture was at my cousins reception.(from left, me, my oldest sister brielle, and then McKenzie) and everyone got boas and we had soo much fun with them lol. me and my brother in law even tried to jump rope with them but i was wearing a skirt so i stopped cause it kept getting caught on my skirt. so really i stopped to save me from my own humiliation. the third picture is of the bountiful, utah temple. the temple that my cousin got married in and it was sosooooo pretty! the fourth picture is of me and my sister Carissa and we we sitting on these benchs outside of the temple!! i love that picture! i think that its just sososoooooo cute!! haha lol! :) the fifth picture is also of me and my sister and i like this picture too! it was also taken outside of the temple!!! well i hope that catchs you up on my trip to utah!!! i love you all! thanks for reading!!

***HuGs AnD KiSsEs***
